Over 100 agents, property managers, and admin personnel turned out last week for our companywide meeting at the Falls Event Center in Roseville.
Exciting developments were highlighted during President Thomas Martindale’s opening remarks, including the addition of the new East Bay Regional Team, headed by Edward Del Beccaro, and the introduction of new Brand Standards for use going forward. Mr. Martindale also applauded managerial recruitment efforts as headcounts are up 20% from last year. Samples of our spiffy marketing pieces were displayed for all to admire and Dina Gouveia gave an impressive presentation on TRI’s recently-acquired data-analytic capabilities, which will significantly enhance agents’ ability to attract and retain business relationships.
Additionally, keynote speaker Jeremiah Miller shared a touching, motivational story about the importance of reaching out to “allies” who can help achieve seemingly insurmountable goals in life – as opposed to the much-hyped “lone wolf” mentality that runs rampant in our individualistic, ambitious society.
Finally, brokerage specialty workshops were held to foster better collaboration and relationship building across TRI’s three regions in a concentrated effort to identify in-house cross-referral opportunities.
We have received tremendous feedback thus far on hosting a fun, collaborative TRI.be event, and here’s to hoping our companywide meeting served to foster not only additional revenue but lasting relationships as well.